Art or Vandalism?

imageIs graffiti art or vandalism? In many countries, it is a crime to paint on walls and street artists can have problems with the police. In other countries, street art is permitted in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are ‘graffiti zones’ where artists are free to paint and write on walls. In São Paulo in Brazil, the city council allows some graffiti artists to paint on the city’s subway trains.

Nowadays, street art is more popular with the public. In some cities, there are street art festivals. In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. Street art can be seen in galleries too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.

Write three hundred words about the origins of street art and what you think the pros and cons of street art are here in the UK.

28 thoughts on “Art or Vandalism?

  1. Much of what can now be defined as modern street art has origins dating from New York City’s graffiti boom in the 1960’s and the 1970’s, and peaking with the spray-painted full-car subway train murals of the 1980’s centered in the Bronx.

    The stencil graffiti subculture has been around since the 1970’s and evolved from the freestyle graffiti seen in the New York City subways and streets.

    In an interview with the Queens Tribune, New York City’s Queens Museum of Art Executive Director Tom Finkelpearl said public art “is the best way for people to express themselves in this city. Art gets dialogue going. That’s very good.” However, he doesn’t find graffiti to be art, and says, “I can’t condone vandalism… It’s really upsetting to me that people would need to write their name over and over again in public space. It’s this culture of fame. I really think it’s regrettable that they think that’s the only way to become famous.”

    With permission, traditional painted graffiti is technically considered public art. Without permission, painters of public and private property are committing vandalism and are, by definition, criminals. Many artists have painted without permission, (Banksy) and have been glorified as legitimate and socially conscious artists.

    Arguments for street are are: Beautiful, meaningful, original and special. On the contrary street are can be a criminal offence if it is done without permission, graffiti is not always appreciated.

    I think the main argument for street art is that they represent things that are happening in the world so they mean something to people.

    Despite what people think, I think that street art is a way to express how someone feels and it is rather unique. I agree when some people say it might be quite unusual, but all art is.


    Graffiti Is defined as the arrangement of marks in which there has been an attempt by a person (usually not professional) to display upon a wall or surface that is usually visually accessible to the public.

    Graffiti is not only a work of art, it also includes the underground culture and is most commonly associated with modern, urban environments.

    Modern Graffiti originated in the 1970 s, just as the hip-hop scene began to explode. The first modern graffiti artist referred to as a writer, lived in New York City, and had the nickname Tacki 183. Graffiti has spread across America and over seas.

    In the beginning, graffiti was considered illegal. It was thought to be vandalism at the time, and it still is today.Even though graffiti has gained massive popularity and acceptance, many people are still ignorant about what it actually is. Not all graffiti is gang-related. Some gangs use graffiti to mark territory or to post threats and Writers can face fines and even jail time for expressing themselves with spray paint. The tactic many police departments employ to stop graffiti is to paint over graffiti-ridden walls.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Art or Vandalism?

    The word graffiti refers to the illegal side of street art. Graffiti is defacing private property. Street art is decorating with the owner’s permission. But people like Banksy do it illegally but it is sort of allowed – perhaps because Banksy’s art is valuable. I think that graffiti should be allowed if it is actual art not putting explicit or rude images on walls.

    The origins of street art
    Street art originated in New York in the 1960’s during the graffiti boom. It became a big thing in the 70’s and peaked in the 80’s when people spray painted subway trains. The first big graffiti artist was Cornbread, a high school student from Philadelphia who spray painted walls and signed them to get the attention of a girl. Street art was finally accepted as art in the 1980’s when art galleries started showing street art. Nowadays, in countries like Brazil, the government open up certain streets to the public to spray paint. In rougher places in the world, gangs spray paint areas with explicit images and get in trouble with the police.

    Art or vandalism? What do you think?


  4. Modern graffiti started in large cities in the USA in 1970. In New York, young people used to write their names (Tag) in pen on walls around the city.

    The first ‘Tagger’ was a teenager called Demetrius. His tag was TAKI 183. He used to write his tag on walls and train stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius’s tag and started writing their own tags too. Soon, tags appeared and transport all over New York.

    Then, some teenagers started to write their tags with spray paint. Their tags were larger and more colourful. Spray paint graffiti became very famous in the 1970s and the 1980s. It appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world.

    In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. Some graffiti artists pictures were about politics. Other graffiti artists wanted to make cities beautiful and painted huge, brightly-coloured pictures on city walls.

    Writing or painting on walls in some countries is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, graffiti artists can write and paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are ‘graffiti zones’ where artists can paint on walls. In Sao Paulo in Brazil, graffiti artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colourful and pretty. Some visitors visit Sao Paulo just to see the graffiti art!!

    In Bristol in the UK, there is a graffiti festival in August every single year! Graffiti artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of tourists come to watch the artists and take photos and videos. You can look at exhibitions of street art in some art galleries too. There have been exhibitions of graffiti art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.

    The pros of graffiti in the UK are that some street art is often beautiful and brightly-coloured and makes streets and town centres look attractive. People are drawn to the paintings as they find them fascinating. The cons of some street art are that some people use it as a form of vandalism and revenge for reporting a criminal offence. What do you think?


  5. Street art began in the 1970’s. As far as we know its origin is in the USA, in particular New York City. Street art can be located on: city walls, train stations, trains, above and below ground and other forms of transport. A lot of street artists use a tag when painting. This is kind of like picking a username or a personal signature. Much of the street art we see today and from years ago is aimed at politics.

    The difference between graffiti and street art is that graffiti artists only really use spray paint, whereas street artists use stencils and other materials. Also, street artists will usually ask for permission to paint in streets or on public buildings. Graffiti artists do not ask permission and so this is sometimes the reason why it is called vandalism.

    In the UK probably the most famous street artist is Banksy. His artwork has appeared in many places around London for a number of years.

    There are many arguments for street art in the UK. Some of these are:
    ⦁ Improving the look of a local area
    ⦁ It can make a dull street look more attractive
    ⦁ Kids can have fun with art and this can stop them from getting in trouble just hanging around the streets.
    There are also arguments against street art. These are:
    ⦁ some street art can be classed as vandalism
    ⦁ it costs the council time and money to clean it up
    ⦁ some people think the streets should be left alone and not messed with.

    What is your opinion?


  6. Graffiti
    Graffiti is known as street art. It is very common and you are sure to see some on motorway bridges. Graffiti is. writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or painted on a wall or other surface, often within public view.

    Graffiti range from simple written words to wall paintings, and they have existed since ancient times. Graffiti originated in ancient Italy as inscriptions and drawings on sculptures and walls. In fact, graffiti was found in 1851 in the ruins of Pompeii. Painting on sidewalks, and other forms of graffiti, is still common in Rome today. Whereas Romans consider graffiti as a form of urban art, many westerners consider it vandalis.

    Tagging is a form of graffiti used to put a ‘name tag’ on public areas and is thought to be used by some gangs to mark territory. The origin of tagging goes back to the 1970s when a mail carrier in New York made a goal to ride every bus and subway in New York. He wrote his name and courier identification number, Vic 156, to mark each bus and subway he took. Others began to follow Vic’s example and tags grew, becoming larger, and much more complex. Tagging as graffiti moved from buses and subways to walls and all types of outdoor area.


  7. Street art is visual art created in public places. The term gained popularity during the graffiti art in the early 1980s. Stencil graffiti, wheatpasted poster art or sticker art, and street installation or sculpture are common forms of modern street art.

    Graffiti is a also street art but it is when you have no permission off the owner of the property and they are not able to do it. Grafiti can be inappropriate drawings or inappropriate language and also rascist comments.

    Street art is where you have permission too do the drawings and create a piece of art, some people paint the walls to show a meaning about the world or something they are concerned about, it can also just be they are good drawers and want to show there art to other people.

    The main difference between graffiti and street art is the permission to do the art.


  8. The first modern graffiti writer is widely considered to be Cornbread, a high school student from Philadelphia, who in 1967 started tagging city walls to get the attention of a girl. But it was only in the 1980s that galleries began to showcase graffiti as artwork. Graffiti art has been around since the 1970s and has evolved from the freestyle graffiti seen in the New York City subways and streets. The most common place you will see graffiti art is on City walls. The main difference between street art and graffiti art is intention. Graffiti writers are not interested in the general public understanding their artwork. They are primarily concerned with other graffiti writers who can decipher the coded tags and appreciate the style of artwork. Graffiti writing and street art are often confused with one and other. Both are subversive art movements where work is displayed in public rather than a gallery setting. While graffiti artists place their work in public, generally speaking they are not interested in the public understanding their work;they want to speak to other graffiti artists. Street artists want everybody to view and be engaged by their work. They are trying to make a statement. Graffiti writing and street art are closely related contemporary art movements, however, they differ in terms of technique, function and intent.

    There are many pros and cons of graffiti art
    Here are the pros:
    -People pay for their wall to be decorated, this creates jobs for people.
    -Graffiti and Political issues.
    -It can be used to raise money for charity.
    -Graffiti can be inspirational, emotional and cultural.
    -It can be decorative and make an empty space look colourful and wonderful.

    Here are the cons:

    -It is illegal in some places.
    -Some people use graffiti as vandalism
    -Graffiti can be used in a bad way e.g. Racism, swearing


    1. So glad that I opened up my spam file. I am sorry Isabel I hadn’t realised your work was missing. I am glad I checked it as this is a very good balanced argument. Keep blogging! Mrs Beesley


  9. Is painting on public walls art or vandalism? In my opinion, displays on walls can be classed as either art or graffiti.

    Graffiti is the Italian pleural word for graffito, which means to etch on a wall using tools. The ancient Greeks were known to etch symbols on walls. In this period this was classed as art not graffiti, but over the years this has developed into peoples own interpretations of drawing on walls or building’s, and can sometimes be an eye sore and be classed as vandalism.
    When someone does graffiti on a wall it makes the street or city look shabby and can make visitors concerned about the place because this could indicate that there are gangs in that area.

    When can street art make a place more elegant? Usually art work on a building has been authorised and has clear guide lines around what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. In some of the poorer places kids tend to do graffiti on walls, so the council have allocated specific areas where it is acceptable to do their graffiti. This is a way on controlling the areas that have graffiti and could even be a way of reducing vandalism in those areas.

    Art is usually more uniformed displays with either a message or meaning. It is not usually offensive and is usually by well-known artists. Art work tends to have trends and isn’t usually classed as vandalism.

    People will have differing opinions as to whether drawing on a building is classed as art or vandalism, the above is only my opinion and is often the cause of great debate as some people will take offense to art on buildings whilst others will admire and appreciate such work.

    My own personal opinion is that in the right place with the right content then drawing on buildings is art, but in the wrong places with the wrong content where a property is defaced then this is vandalism.


  10. Much of what can now be defined as modern street art has well-documented origins dating from New York City’s graffiti boom, with its infancy in the 1960’s, maturation in the 1970’s, and peaking with the spray-painted full-car subway train murals of the 1980’s centered in the Bronx. The stencil graffiti subculture has been around since the 1970’s and evolved from the freestyle graffiti seen in the New York City subways and streets. In an interview with the Queens Tribune, New York City’s Queens Museum of Art Executive Director Tom Finkelpearl said public art “is the best way for people to express themselves in this city.” Finkelpearl, who helps organize socially conscious art exhibitions, added, “Art gets dialogue going. That’s very good.” However, he doesn’t find graffiti to be art, and says, “I can’t condone vandalism… It’s really upsetting to me that people would need to write their name over and over again in public space. It’s this culture of fame. I really think it’s regrettable that they think that’s the only way to become famous.” With permission, traditional painted graffiti is technically considered public art. Without permission, painters of public and private property are committing vandalism and are, by definition, criminals. However, it still stands that most street art is unsanctioned, and many artists who have painted without permission, (Banksy, Shepard Fairey) have been glorified as legitimate and socially conscious artists. Pro’s and Con’s: Pros; Beautiful, meaningful, original, special. Con’s; Counted as a criminal if without permission, not always appreciated, sometimes judged. I think the main Pro is that they mean things that are happening in the world so they mean something to people. I think the main Con is that they my offend people, when no offence is meant. These are just some views of mine. Despite what people think, I think that street art is a way to express how someone feels and it is rather unique. I agree when some people say it might be quite unusual, but all art is.


  11. Graffiti
    Is Graffiti a Criminal Offence?
    A person who intends to destroy or damage property is guilty of an offence. It can lead to the decline of an area and a lack of respect for the place in which people live, work and play.

    What is Graffiti?
    Any illegal marks, drawings or paintings that have been deliberately made by a person of persons the environment, with a view to communicating some message or symbol to others.


  12. Art or vandalism? over the years it has come to peoples notice whether the spray painted pictures we see on the walls also known as graffiti are considered art or vandalism.

    however there is no harm in showing art but why on walls? well we think that the artists really express themselves when painting on walls as some graffiti has a meaning but there is no way that is an excuse for kids as spray paint tags everywhere and this can be harmful to kids.

    Graffiti will look a mess especially if council cant get it off. But street art really makes old walls look better and colourful. If they want a place to spray paint councils will get them one its taking over the street and plus it doesn’t make sense squished together your right but different artists have a place to work they don’t do it near each other.

    It is hard to decide if graffiti is art or vandalism.


  13. Graffiti

    The man to credit for bringing street art into art gallerys is Banksy. A few years ago he was sneaking his work into galleries such as the Louvre. Now Tate Modern is selling his book in its gift shop. His works go for hundreds of thousands of pounds.

    Art or vandalism is a question which gets different answers in different parts of the world. Brazil for instance is more relaxed about it. In parts of Australia, they are like the UK and people really hate graffiti and tags on vans and trains, but in Melbourne van drivers compete with each other as to whose is more decorated.

    Street artists who paint on the street are merely expressing themselves, not hurting anyone and should not be punished but celebrated.

    whether graffiti is vandalism or art is up to you to decide.


  14. Street art and graffiti is noticed all around the world. graffiti started out in the 1980s and is still around now.

    Graffiti can be stencil, Wheatpasted, poster or sticker
    art. Graffiti is common now. Some graffiti is legal if it is in legal places but some can be racist and inappropriate. Cleaning a street can cost Up to 5 thousand pounds and might take 6 months. Some graffiti is good and some is offensive and rude.

    What do you think?


  15. Graffiti!
    Graffiti is a type of art that I think is expressing your feelings and inspiration.It was a legal thing when it started.Graffiti started somewhere round 1960’s or 1970’s,in New York.People thought it was a good idea because they thought it was to make the streets brighter and more expressive.The first graffiti gallery was made in the 1980’s and is located in north America.It has been a modern thing for over twenty years.People find that it is a main thing to express your self.

    People find it strange because sometimes graffiti can be rude and offensive.It may even contain cursing and bad language.Police say it is a waste of time to clean the graffiti and a waste of money.If you were to clean a whole wall with graffiti and had to buy all the bleach and cleaning stuff then that will probably be about one-hundred million pounds a year.It is also said that it is vandalism if you spray paint a wall that is some body’s property.Some ruins or sculptures don’t need spray painting because it has already a meaning and may be as well a type of art.

    Graffiti can be a type of art but it can make some body feel as they was the one who actually painted the wall.People say that they don’t need to brighten the streets because it makes them look horrible but some streets need brightening up.Graffiti inspires children to do art to express themselves . Sometimes people do graffiti for a protest or strike.

    My opinion about graffiti is that it may be rude but it’s got a meaning.


  16. Is graffiti art or vandalism?

    Street art is colourful illustrations sprayed or painted on walls, trains and other public spaces. They might be done by the street artist to show their emotions and feelings and to express themselves.

    Some people say that street art originated from America and their infamous street artists such as Taki 183, from New York City, and Cornbread, from Philadelphia. However, you could argue that street art originated from the cavemen who painted the walls of caves in France or the Ancient Egyptians who famously painted on walls. Some people say these are art not graffiti but we don’t know who did them or if they had permission to paint them all.

    Street art can come in many forms from tagging to murals, from one word to a whole wall. There are pros and cons to street art in the UK. Street art can be viewed as art if it is allowed to happen and this will be seen as a pro because: it might show a message, feelings, be funny, artistic or it can support a cause. Other pros are that it can make an area look cool and bring a vast audience, such as Banksy’s work does. Street art can become a part of the local culture – like the PIES graffiti in Merseyside.

    On the other hand, street art can make an area look tatty and the graffiti might be misunderstood; it could upset children by being scary and be a bad example to them. Some people could be offended by it which would make them hate it even more. The vandals may paint on private property and then the victims would need to pay for the cleaning.

    I think graffiti is art with all the colourful wonders you can paint, the funny things people create and the true messages in the art. But, I think it is vandalism if people just mindlessly scrawl it, like a tag. What do you think? Is graffiti art or vandalism?


  17. Art or graffiti?

    The first drawings on walls appeared on the walls of the caves, thousands of years ago. Later, the ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their names on walls and some this included protests about the slavery at the time.

    Modern graffiti started in the 1960s (at the time was illegal) there was also the ‘graffiti boom’ where there was lots of graffiti done in subways, parking areas and public transport.
    But in the 1980s graffiti was allowed in some places around New York.

    My opinion is that graffiti should be allowed in some places but if there is no meaning to the image, then it should be illegal.

    To conclude, what do you feel about this modern day debate? Should graffiti be allowed in some places or should it be illegal?


  18. Graffiti
    Graffiti can be classed as art or vandalism depending on where you do your art work because you have to have permission by the council to have this on buildings and on walls. The modern day graffiti started at the end of the 1960s and the start of the 1970s at this time it was illegal this is mainly done on trains, walls and on subways.

    Graffiti can be messages or ideas and names. However, if you do not get permission from the council you can be fined. Getting the police to investigate this is wasting important police time.

    On the other hand, in the 1980s graffiti was allowed in some places in New York. Artists can really express their feelings and thoughts and ideas when painting on walls for instance people like Banksy. Unfortunately, some graffiti can be rude or offensive to people around the world and this is why we need to get permission to do street art because otherwise this is classed as vandalism.

    So what do you think is this art or vandalism?

    By EmilyGracePK


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